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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

So my birthday was yesterday. Thanks to those who remembered...all 4 of you. Not that I care anymore. When did birthdays become just another day? I remember when birthdays were nothing but a full day of fun, games, presents, and other tom-foolery. Now, I go to work, get a cake, and go to bed. How the hell did I get so old?

Let's recap...

Anything before 10 you probably don't recall.
10 is double-digits.
13 is the first teen year.
16...well, sweet 16.
17, you should be driving by now.
18, no longer a minor.
20, no more teens. no more.
25, quarter century.
30...just another round number.

Now what? Seems to me every birthday from now on is just another year closer to death. Maybe I'll just start going backwards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will always be older than me, but at least we won't ever be as old as GREG and IAN!!!


7/21/2005 10:16 AM

Blogger death commish said...

Hate to tell you Dennis, but I am older than Greg. Now Ian...that's another story.

7/22/2005 7:41 AM


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