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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another Long (But Eventful) Day

I just got home. It's 11:30 at night. I got to the hospital at around 6 this morning. I need sleep...and a beer. But sleep first.

Anyway, things are still progressing very well. First the baby. Cat (and for those who haven't figured it out yet, think about the initials) is still steadily improving. Baby steps, if you'll pardon the pun. She was taken off of the big "nose tube" (CPAP, for those in the know) and is now on the little "nose tube" (nasal cannula). Oxygen is rarely being used, just regular room air, and the amount of air they need to force is being reduced...she's now breathing more on her own.

Jaundice did develop a bit, but that was completely expected. When we saw her last (at about 10:30 tonight) she was under a big lamp, just like a tanning bed, inside the incubator/isolation booth. The nurse also told us that overnight, they are going to make an attempt to feed her. Up until now it's been by IV, so this is a big step for her.

It's also a big step for Liz, since she is the primary "food provider". Liz is also doing very well, and her "food providing capabilities" are improving over time. There was never really a worry about it, but as the outside observer, I could tell it was special the first time Liz saw some (although minor so far) results and came to realize the whole "momma taking care of baby" thing. Wow, I am a sap.

Speaking a being a sap, I had a HUGE mooshy moment today. We went up (and I say up because the ICU is one floor above the regular room) to spend a couple of minutes with Cat and to check with the nurses. I was sitting in a chair with my hand through one of the holes in the incubator and was able to look through at her since she was propped on one side and was facing me. Needless to say, up until this point, her eyes had been closed 90% of the time, and every time I had seen her since the delivery. But wouldn't you know, she opened her eyes and I got the first good look at my baby girl. To me, it was as if she heard my voice and decided that was the moment to get to know me.

And just thinking about it is making me tear up again.

Anyway, if all goes well (and there's no reason to think otherwise), Liz will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Then we have to finish the nursery that we thought we had another 2 months to get ready.

Is it bad that I haven't gone to bed yet tonight and I'm already looking forward to a nap tomorrow?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Teri, now you have ME with tears in my eyes! What a BEAUTIFUL moment...having your little girl look right at you for the first time. It's as if they ALREADY know who you are, probably thinking..."hey daddy, in a little while you'll be sitting at home holding me, drinking a beer and the 2 of us will be watching a game on tv together!" :) Please give Liz a big hug for me...and also baby Courtney (Cat) :)

Aunt Tricia

3/25/2007 9:34 AM

Blogger Beagle22 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3/25/2007 12:42 PM

Blogger Beagle22 said...

I cant wait till you have Cat grab hold of one of your fingers. Thats a great feeling that you will have soon! Thats when I first broke down and realized who REALLY ran things around our house.

3/25/2007 12:47 PM

Blogger GamesGirl said...

You may now take your seat next to Dave in the "I love my daddy's little girl" club. Pretty soon she'll be lookin' at you with the gorgeous eyes and asking you for your credit card. Can't wait to meet Cat.

3/25/2007 1:14 PM

Blogger GamesGirl said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3/25/2007 1:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Teri and Liz~ Just wanted to send a congrats along!!!!!! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Enjoy every second with her, they grow up soooo fast.

Jill, Shaun and Emily

3/25/2007 7:22 PM


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