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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Farts Are Funny!

I don't care who you are, where you come from, or what your upbringing is...when you hear a really good fart, you smile. There's just something about that joyous noise from someone's behind that is just damned funny. If they weren't, why would they have made a machine that can recreate a fart noise? And not just the Fart Machine...Whoopie Cushions have been around forever.

We were talking about farts the other day at work. We talked about crop-dusting (walking up to someone, farting, and leaving the smell behind) and dutch ovens (farting in an enclosed space like a car). We even brought up an application of Murphy's Law...if you want anyone to come to talk to you, all you have to do is fart and someone is bound to show up. And we even brought up the old joke of why farts smell.

So check out CreateFarts and create some farts. Share them with your co-workers. Everyone farts...why not have fun with them!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farts are funny. No doubt about it. The funniest is the all to familiar shart. If you havent sharted you havent farted. Yes I did talk to (T) at work after we got crop dusted by a sniper who we still owe flutter cheek combat. Tonight el taco bell draft beer and mixed cabbage and brocolli. I'm going in cover me

2/18/2006 12:31 PM


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