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Friday, August 19, 2005

Jumpin' Jack Flash

So yeah, gas is expensive. But has anyone gone out to buy that hybrid yet? Didn't think so. How is everyone's moped running? That's what I thought. We're all dependent on gas and we're all going to keep on driving. I guess the oil companies have us by the short and curlies. But at least we don't live in Europe!

As I saw on a recent news piece, the price of gas in Europe (pardon me...petrol) is approaching 6 bucks a gallon. People are spending $100-$150 to fill their tanks. Yeah, that sucks. But what do they want, sympathy? Well, if their gonna get any from me, maybe they should have picked a different Londoner to interview. I just can't feel sympathetic for a guy spending that kind of cash when he's driving a Bentley!

If you're looking for me, I'll be at the bank taking out a loan for my next fill up. Maybe I should just move to Venezuela.


Blogger Beagle22 said...

We already pay $6 a gal. for fuel at the track T, and thats for a hobby....

8/20/2005 11:16 PM


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