Your source for live, local, and late-breaking babble. Now including updates about our daughter Courtney!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

One Week Old!

Courtney is a week old today. In some ways, it's gone by quickly. In other ways, this has been the longest week of my life. Anyway, on to the update...

We were down at the hospital last night and Liz was there again this morning. She continues to eat well. The last I heard she's up to 9 cc's per feeding. She's still off of the nose tube and didn't have any apnea episodes last night. She had one the night before, but not serious enough to put her back on the breathing tube.

So things continue to progress well. The only problem is that the schedule is starting to take it's toll on us. Liz continues to prepare for "mommy duty", so that's getting her up in the middle of the night. Plus we're both emotionally stressed. Add to that the 30 minute drive it takes to go and see Courtney. I'm starting to feel about as busy as Jack Bauer minus the nuclear bombs. I'm sure it will be better once we get her home, but until then, I'm torn between making another visit to the hospital tonight or keeping Liz home and letting her get some much needed rest.

I do want to thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. They do help and the support you all have given us has been wonderful. Whether you've known us all of our lives or haven't even met us at all (thanks Kawi11!), your support is very much appreciated. Keep it up, we need all we can get.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teri, Liz & Cat (TLC),

We are so excited that the first week is in the books with so many highlights! Hang in there; your adrenaline is running pretty high, and probably will until Cat is home.

We love you guys and are sending lots of love and prayers your way!
The boys send big hugs!

Kim, Doug, Brian & Christopher

3/29/2007 7:37 PM

Blogger GamesGirl said...

1 week closer to getting your baby home! Welcome to parenthood. Let your friends and family help you out - and get the rest. Hugs,
S,D & J

3/29/2007 7:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I remember when you were born your mom took a picture of you from the day you were born and on the same day each week up to your first birthday! :) I'm sure she took many pictures after that, but I thought it was neat how she recorded your "growing up" that whole first year.

So glad to hear Cat is eating well. Please give her and Liz our love.

Aunt Tricia

3/30/2007 6:58 PM


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