Your source for live, local, and late-breaking babble. Now including updates about our daughter Courtney!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Five Weeks, Five Pounds

Courtney's five weeks old today and she has reached the five pound mark. Her feedings have been increased to 40 cc's, so the amount she's eating isn't the's just how she's eating.

On the advice of an occupational therapist (because eating is her job right now), when she's being fed, she's only allowed to suck on the bottle a couple of times before it's taken away from her. This forces her to take a break and breathe. It also makes her feedings last what seems like 3 hours.

Hopefully by giving her these forced "breathing breaks", she'll soon understand to break on her own. That's the plan for now anyway. And just in case you were wondering what you've missed, here's a pic from tonight. She's growing, and yet...not quite fast enough to get her home. Sigh.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL baby!! :) (what?!...ME prejudice?? hahahaha!). You can see such a big difference from the first pictures you started taking of her! Her little face is "filling out"..her eyes are much brighter..etc.

She really has come a long way from the tiny 3 lb baby of 5 weeks ago! You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to seeing you at Dan's wedding. :)

Love to you all.

Aunt Tricia

4/27/2007 8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 5lb mark!!She beautiful! Hpefully the forced breathing will become a habit for her quickly. You haven't mentioned any incidents lately, how is she sleeping? I hope that it means none to report. Just wait until she's asking for her allowance and you'll be wistfully thinking back to the times it took 3 hours to feed her!!! Hope to see you soon! Adrienne

4/27/2007 5:00 PM

Blogger GamesGirl said...

I think she looks so much like her mommy (beeee-you-tee-ful) in that photo.

4/30/2007 2:51 PM


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