Lumpkins, Merkins, and Dirty Sanchez...Oh My!
This post comes about for a few reasons. A couple of weekends ago, I was first introduced to a new website. It's the type of website you can spend hours searching and you'll probably just keep laughing and laughing. So do me a favor. Go to Urban Dictionary and do a search for lumpkin. Funny.
Then just last night, I was watching The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Funny movie. If you haven't watched it, I recommend it. For those of you that have seen it, think back for a moment when the old arab guy (or whatever he is) was talking to Steve Carrell about love. "It's not about these rusty trombones, these dirty sanchez, these Cinncinnati bowties, these...". You get the idea. Well, a couple of them I had no idea about. So I looked them up. Again...funny.
So go out and find a good one and post it in the comments for everyone to enjoy. I'll start you out with another...Roman War Helmet. And if you've looked up lumpkin, take a look at this guy messing with his grandmother. Kinda mean, but pretty damn funny if you know what a lumpkin is!