Five Weeks, Five Pounds
Courtney's five weeks old today and she has reached the five pound mark. Her feedings have been increased to 40 cc's, so the amount she's eating isn't the's just how she's eating.
Labels: baby
Your source for live, local, and late-breaking babble. Now including updates about our daughter Courtney!
Courtney's five weeks old today and she has reached the five pound mark. Her feedings have been increased to 40 cc's, so the amount she's eating isn't the's just how she's eating.
Labels: baby
As much as we prepared for a misstep, I guess you can never be fully ready when it happens. After 3 days without a feeding tube and eating only by bottle, Courtney ran into a little trouble on Sunday. They tried feeding her a couple of times without success before deciding that the feeding tube had to go back in. I suppose that's better than the alternative of her choking on her formula.
Labels: baby
Liz had a meeting at church tonight, so I was able to spend some time alone with my daughter. I gave her a bath, changed her, fed her, and did it without breaking her in the process. Yea me!
Labels: baby
Now, when most people hear "Big girl bed", they probably think a toddler bed. In our case, we're starting a little smaller. Our little girl started in an incubator, so her big girl bed is the hospital basinette. She was moved into one over the weekend and so far things have gone well. She's kept her temperature very well and she didn't lose any weight during the first 24 hours. This was a possibility simply because of the energy she'd use keeping warm.
Labels: baby
No big news to report. She's getting bigger (4 lbs, 4 oz as of tonight) but nothing has really changed since last post. But since everyone seems to be clamoring some news, here's a fluff piece.
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More good news to report.
Labels: baby
Well, she's got one less string anyway. Courtney was taken off of the IV this morning. Her feedings have gone up to 27 cc's, so she's now getting all of the nutrients she needs by eating. She continues to gain last count, she was up to 3,11 and has been pretty consistent in gaining an ounce a day.
Labels: baby
Baby shower. Get it? Raining? Never mind. I'm just overtired.
Labels: baby